Make sure to plan on coming out to the Toledo Door and Window Showroom on Saturday - August 27th, 2016!
Registration begins at 1:00 PM with Awards and Prizes at 5:00 PM!
Summer Cruise-In Event Includes:
- Cruise on over and show us your stuff - - You could win CASH! $10.00 Registration Fee
- Burgers, Hot Dogs and Sodas For Sale
- 50/50 Raffle
- Oldies Music
- Live Radio Broadcast by K-100’s Shores & Steele 2-4 PM
ALL proceeds will benefit Diabetes Youth Services of Toledo. CASH Awards for BEST CUSTOM and BEST ORIGINAL Cars! PLUS Random drawings for other Prizes...So...Cruise on over, and show us your stuff--You could win CASH!
Visit us at www.summercruisein.com for more event information!